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In a world where living together is a challenge for all societies, the development of cross-mobility and reciprocal commitments is a necessity. It helps to foster more balanced relations and stronger, more harmonious ties of cooperation and solidarity between countries.


Cross-mobility at the heart of the partnership approach to international volunteering

Cross-mobility promotes the renewal of the French solidarity policy, in a partnership dynamic, by placing civil society and diasporas at the heart of initiatives, and making populations stakeholders in projects, as close as possible to citizens’ expectations and aspirations both here and there.

Cross-mobility put into practice

France Volontaires and its members promote the development of cross-mobility in international exchange and solidarity volunteering and support the design and implementation of international volunteering missions between partner countries.

International work camps, civic service (since 2010), South-South volunteering and international solidarity volunteering (thanks to the law of August 4, 2021): many schemes allow reciprocity and have been used by France Volontaires and its members to carry out successful projects: EnLAzando, PrODDige, WECCEE, South/South Pilot Initiative, etc.

A few figures

In 2019, 251 volunteers from 40 countries were hosted in France for reciprocal civic service missions. The most represented countries were Tunisia, Senegal and Burkina-Faso.


A partnership approach

These approaches are developed in close partnership with the authorities and stakeholders in the dispatching countries and in conjunction with national volunteering schemes and public policies. A dynamic around the structuring of national volunteering exists in nearly 20 African countries within France Volontaires’ scope of intervention. France Volontaires has also developed guides to facilitate the implementation of volunteer projects within the framework of reciprocity and to better understand the administrative procedures to follow when hosting a foreigner in France.

Recruiting volunteers

EnLAzando project 

The FSPI project EnLAzando has promoted cooperation and relations between volunteering stakeholders in five countries and France and strengthened the capacities of organisations working for civic engagement. Structured around support for volunteering ecosystems, it has offered funding, training, exchange and networking opportunities to solidarity stakeholders in Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay and Peru since 2020. A second part is currently being developed.

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Support for projects and programmes run by France Volontaires members

PrODDige project

PrODDige is a project, supported by the SCD, which brings together volunteers from all over the world to carry out Civic Service around the Sustainable Development Goals in the Lyon metropolis. Volunteers commit to an individual mission in an SCD partner organisation, while participating in a group project with other volunteers, aiming at implementing actions to raise awareness on SDGs in the region.

South-South Cooperation Action

The project is part of the South-South Cooperation Initiative in terms of Migration (Emergency Trust Fund/GIZ – Expertise France) in four countries: Morocco, Senegal, Mali and Côte d’Ivoire. It aims to develop South-South volunteer mobility on migration issues and to strengthen national volunteer schemes and cooperation.

Support for projects and programmes run by France Volontaires members

WECCEE project

Since 2014, Cool’eurs du Monde has been coordinating WECCEE, an international volunteering  project based on the principle of reciprocity, which has enabled  dozens of French volunteers to carry out Civic Service in Senegal, Madagascar, Peru or Vietnam and, at the same time, volunteers from these countries to become involved in an organisation in Aquitaine. The missions are carried out in pairs, in connection with the issues of Education for Citizenship and International Solidarity. The eighth edition is in progress.

Africa 2020

The result of unprecedented cooperation between France Volontaires, the French Institute, the French Development Agency and the French Civic Service Agency, Africa2020 Season recruited 11 African volunteers from 11 countries for civic service missions in cultural and scientific organisations in France around Africa2020 Season.

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