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Education and sport

Education and sport

Education and sport are the main areas of intervention for volunteers in all programmes. Their role in the development of inclusive and supportive societies is well established.

Volunteering, education and sport

Access to quality education and sports development: volunteers on the front line

Education is a fundamental and emancipating human right, which aims to lift men and women out of poverty, reduce inequalities and enable them to participate fully in society. To unleash its transformative power and meet the challenges of sustainable development, everyone must have access to education and training throughout their lives.

The contributions of sport to integration, the promotion of peace and dialogue and public health are also fully recognised.

The involvement of international volunteers takes various forms, depending on their age and background: support for schools, particularly in teaching French, tutoring, renovation activities, educational coordination, promotion of sport, support for sports associations, more specific initiatives targeting the education of young girls, support for teacher training or the definition of national educational strategies, etc.

The volunteers, both French and international, are also involved in Education for Citizenship and International Solidarity (ECSI – Éducation à la Citoyenneté et à la Solidarité Internationale) activities, aimed at raising general awareness of these issues and contributing to a more just and united world.

A few figures

In 2021, one third of the International Solidarity Volunteer (VSI – Volontaires Internationaux de Solidarité) missions were dedicated to education and training.

Social, childhood, youth and sports-related issues accounted for 12%.

LABIS looking for innovative solutions for youth empowerment

The Social Innovation Laboratories (LABIS) are third-party premises set up within the framework of the Compétences pour Demain (Skills for Tomorrow) programme, supported by Solidarité Laïque (Secular Solidarity) and Aide et Action with the support of the French Development Agency, which aim to nurture young people through individual pathways towards social, economic and civic integration, based on the principles of non-formal education.

Sport & Development, an incubator for micro-projects in Africa

The Guild runs the ‘Sport & Development’ programme, which aims to establish and support partnerships between French associations and African stakeholders in the creation of local development initiatives through sport.

Young People Without Borders

“Jeunes Solidaires Sans Frontières” (Civic-minded Young People Without Borders) is a programme to recruit civic service volunteers in the Ligue de l’enseignement (Teaching League) or in the ‘Engagé.e.s et Déterminé.e.s’ (Committed and Determined) youth network or volunteers in a Junior Association. They undertake activities for Education for Citizenship and International Solidarity.

Ping pour tous: international volunteer exchange in sport!

Madagascan and French volunteers are involved in the ‘Ping pour tous’ project which aims to promote table tennis in the capital of Madagascar and make it a lever for social innovation and sustainable development.