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Human rights and gender

Human rights and gender

Respect for, protection and implementation of human rights are founding principles of the French Republic. France has chosen a human rights-based approach to development cooperation and recognised gender equality as a sectoral priority. International volunteers are making a difference.

Volunteering, human rights and gender

International volunteers commit to promoting human rights and gender equality

Defence and promotion of universal and interdependent rights

Volunteers work on civil and political rights through projects related to freedom of expression, protection against enforced disappearances, migrants’ rights, the right to a fair trial or the fight against discrimination. They are also committed to economic, social and cultural rights when their missions are linked to the fight against poverty, the right to decent housing or access to healthcare for example.

The promotion of peace and dialogue between peoples has also historically been an important area of volunteer involvement, notably through the first international work camps which began in the 1920s.

International volunteers committed to gender equality

Taking care of young girls on the street and in vulnerable situations, supporting financial independence, fighting against sexual violence, developing women’s entrepreneurship, training in micro-finance: there are many initiatives involving volunteers that contribute to the development and independence of young girls and women in the world.

Support for projects and programmes run by France Volontaires members

A street library to bring about peace

For some years now, the team of the ATD Fourth World Spain team in Madrid has been working on the detection and discovery of disadvantaged neighbourhoods and areas in the Madrid region. The aim was to find a new place where it would make sense to put down roots and connect with people, families and organisations who refuse the persistence of poverty and to continue building a movement together.

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