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Legal notices

Thank you for visiting the site Below, you will find our policy in the processing of personal data.. We urge you to read it ; by visiting the site, you accept the practices set out and you abide by the terms and conditions below.

The site is optimised for use with Firefox 3.5 and higher, Safari 4 and higher, Opéra 10 and higher, Internet Explorer 7 and higher and Chrome 5 and higher, with a resolution of 1 024 x 768 in thousands of colours.

The site is intended for the personal information of users.

General information

This site is the property of : France Volontaires
Status : Association Law of 1901
Head Office : France Volontaires – 6, rue Truillot – BP220 94203 Ivry sur Seine Cedex France
Site publication director : Dante MONTFERRER
Operations managers : Frédérique WILLIAME and Frédéric NAULEAU
This site was created by : acti, digital agency based in Lyon
This site is maintained and hosted by : acti et Eolas
Contact : [email protected]
Copyright : France Volontaires
This site has been declared with the CNIL and bears the authorisation number : 1660908 v 0
Contact France Volontaires or by telephone : + 33 (0)1 53 14 20 30.

Intellectual property rights

France Volontaires advises users of this that numerous items on the site :

  • are protected by copyright : this may be the case in particular for photographs, drawings, animated sequences, etc. ;
  • and/or are protected by the legislation on design and models ;
  • are protected by the legislation on trademarks.

Items thus protected are the property of France Volontaires or third parties who have authorised France Volontaires to use them.

This site uses visual items from :

  • Internal documents of France Volontaires or created by acti for France Volontaires

In this respect, all reproduction, representation, utilisation, adaptation, modification, incorporation, translation, commercialisation, partial or total by any process and on any support whatsoever (paper, digital, etc.) are prohibited without the prior written authorisation of France Volontaires, with the exceptions mentioned in the article L 122.5 of the Intellectual Property Code, under penalty of constituting an infringement of author and/or design and model and/or trademark copyright, sanctioned by two years’ imprisonment and a fine of 150 000€.

Author and/or design and model copyright

The present site constitutes a work of which acti is the author in the meaning of articles L. 111.1 and thereafter of the Intellectual property code. The design and development of the said site have been provided by acti.

The photographs, texts, slogans, drawings, images, animated sequences with or without sound together with all works incorporated in the site are the property of France Volontaires or third parties who have authorised France Volontaires to use them.

Reproductions, on paper or digital support, are authorised provided they are used for strictly personal purposes and excluding any publicity and/or commercial and/or information use, and provided these purposes conform to the provisions of article L122-5 of the Intellectual Property Code.

Information on the products

The information and illustrations featured on the pages of this Internet site are based on the technical characteristics in forces at the time when they were uploaded or when pages of the site were updated..

As of a policy for the continuous improvement of its products and services, France Volontaires may at any time modify the characteristics of its offer. The products and/or services presented on the site are those that are distributed in metropolitan France. They may vary from one country to another or not be available in every country in the world.

In any event, the information contained on this site is of a general nature and has no contractual value.

Personal data protection

When consulting the site you may have to reveal your identity or other personal information.

The company France Volontaires undertakes to respect your private life and to protect the information that you communicate. In particular, personal data collected on the Internet site are intended for the use of the company France Volontaires and its branches. It is confidential and treated as such.

In the case of information of a personal nature that you may communicate, you benefit from a right of access to rectification in compliance with the French Law on Information Technologies and Freedom No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978. You can exercise this right with France Volontaires, Head Office : France Volontaires, 6, rue Truillot – BP220 94203 Ivry sur Seine Cedex France.

It is necessary to collect information to respond to your requests for commercial offers and if necessary to send you an email.

If you have subscribed to the email newsletter, you can ask to no longer receive it.

We inform you that in order to offer you products and services that are more and more relevant to you, certain non-personal information related to your activity on this site will be automatically collected. This information is intended for France Volontaires and may also be used in commercial or marketing operations or be used as the basis for surveys and analyses.

This information will under no circumstances be communicated to a third party. Only the personnel of France Volontaires or of its agencies who help us in managing these operations have access to the data. These agencies are required to respect the confidentiality of information and only to use it for the precise operation in which they are involved.


We take every precaution to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of data and to prevent any communication of it to unauthorised third parties.

Hypertext links

Placing a hypertext link on the site does not require the prior written authorisation of France Volontaires. Nevertheless, France Volontaires must be informed within 10 days of it being placed.

In any event, France Volontaires can under no circumstances be held responsible for the content or products and services offered on sites to which the site may be linked by hypertext links or by any other type of link.

Applicable rights

The Internet site and the present general conditions are subject to French law and the original version was written in French. All litigation is under the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Lyon. France Volontaires reserves the right to modify the present notice at any time.. The user undertakes to consult it regularly.

Limitation of responsibility

You use the site under your sole and entire responsibility. France Volontaires cannot be held responsible for direct or indirect damage with respect to and including equipment, data loss or financial loss, resulting from the use of this site or sites to which it is linked.


France Volontaires reserves the right to modify and update without notice the present legal notice and all the item and products presented on the site.

All browsers are subject to these modifications, and they should consult the present General Conditions on each connection.

Statistical monitoring data

We use data on connections for our consultation statistics (type of browser, number of visitors, sections visited, etc.) to optimise the content and browsing experience of our site, but this information is not sent to third parties.

Paper reproduction

Apart from the images, reproduction of the pages of this site on paper is authorised, subject to respecting the following three conditions :

  • payment-free circulation,
  • respect for the integrity of the documents reproduced (no modifications or alterations of any sort),
  • explicit citation of the site as the source and mention of the fact that reproduction rights are reserved and strictly limited.

Electronic reproduction

The reproduction of all or part of this site on an electronic support is authorised subject to the clear and legible addition of the source ( and the notice “Rights reserved”.
The information must only be used for personal purposes or for associations ; all commercial use is prohibited without the prior written agreement by the company

Contact the company acti, digital and e-marketing agency based in Lyon.

Contact us : France Volontaires.